Our process

Client success is centered around our tried, tested and true, process that allows for easy and seamless mortgage transactions.

  1. Introductory Discovery Phone Call


The first step is for us to schedule a quick introductory phone call. This is where we get to know what you are looking to achieve with your mortgage finance needs. We will get a high level overview of your financial situation, goals, and dreams with real estate. Based on this conversation we will determine the documents you will need to provide to finalize your refinance, purchase or pre approval. This will also get our wheels turning on solutions, and strategy pertaining to your upcoming transaction.


2. Online Application and Supporting Documentation


Once we have completed the introductory phone call, our team will then send you a link to our online application and a list of the appropriate documentation you will need to provide. This will allow us to have your financial profile inputted into our system accurately. Once you hit submit, we will receive a notification that the application has been completed. Once the application has been submitted, you will then submit all the appropriate documents to us directly.


3. Underwriting your file


Once the application has been completed and the supporting documentation has been received by our team, we will then underwrite your file and build out your financial profile a little more in depth within our system. Once we have completed this step, we will then reach out to schedule a meeting for us to go over your file in greater detail with you.


4. Meeting


Once we have completed our financial analysis on your profile, we will schedule a time for us to discuss your upcoming transaction in more detail. This is where we will discuss options available, best course of action, and mortgage strategy. Once this process has been completed from start to finish, you will have all the information is to make an informed decision that is best for you and your family.


Grounded on expertise,
open communication,
and bespoke mortgage strategies.